design your mobile app or website user interface


Sold By flakegamington
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bout This Gig

Whether it be a mobile app or a mobile-first website, we specialize in mobility and beautiful user interfaces. This Graphic Design & Prototyping Package is a vital step towards building the perfect user experience for your new – or existing – digital platform.

Why is this package so necessary?
Our Graphic Design & Prototyping Package transforms your software concept into a beautiful, tangible prototype that can be used for user or stakeholder buy-in, or even raising investment.

1 – Our first step:
First, we’ll establish a product screenflow (sitemap) that outlines the complexity of your product.

2 – The User Experience:
Next, high-fidelity wireframes are prepared, showing a mockup of each of those screens

3 – The User Interface:
Then, full color and styling brings those wireframes to life.

4 – A tangible prototype:
Finally, your fully designed software product is transformed into something tangible: an interactive prototype that can be loaded onto your phone or computer.


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Hello ! My name is Flake. We are a Team of experienced graphic designers with 8+ years of experience. We’re on fiverr to rock your world with our designing skills. Expertise: Logo, Design

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