professionally designed infographics


Sold By flakegamington
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About This Gig

Why do you need infographics?

Infographics is a compilation of data designed in a visual format. The use of infographics can greatly help grow your marketing strategy via social media platforms.

Your story is important. However, telling that story online may be not as easy as you hoped. You need a freelancer (like me!) that can help you create a stunning infographic that helps your business.

What’s the workflow process like?

  1. Send all the required details
  2. Within 5 to 8 days, I will send you the initial concept for your review
  3. You will go over the design and request any revisions


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Hello ! My name is Flake. We are a Team of experienced graphic designers with 8+ years of experience. We’re on fiverr to rock your world with our designing skills. Expertise: Logo, Design

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